It always seemed so irrelevant to me the sense of heartbreak because I never truly felt love myself until recently. The type of love that puts yourself second, the type of love you sensed when you looked into someone’s eyes. I thought love was just a figure of speech, and until I felt heartbreak- it seemed just like a figment of the imagination, or rather a word used to describe a sense of loneliness. But let me tell you, this is more than a sense of loneliness. This is an intense agonizing feeling of remorse for ever letting my heart be touched. And somehow this feeling doesn’t seem to go away. It’s like the idea of being loved is something that is mistaken for love itself, and is a dangerous, destructive path to cross.

Loving the idea of love only leaves those in bed wondering what they are feeling, counting time by the milliseconds and leaving agonizing, unrepairable scars on one’s heart. It leaves you questioning if you have anything left to give, or if you gave it all to those around you- or to that one person you called, yours. It tears your heart and contorts it in ways that you weren’t even aware existed.

Despite the discomfort and despite the grief, it brings you to heights that you are seeing with new eyes. You are loving, you are alive, you realize what it is that you are capable of giving and even though it was never given to you, you can give and give and give until your heart is bled dry and still continue to make others happy without satisfying yourself.

  1. Anonymous Avatar


    Courtney, you are much loved!! Even if you feel the opposite sometimes. Live your life with the understanding that the love you give to others may not always be directly and immediately reciprocated. but in time, love finds ways to pay you back. Eventually, your cup will overflow with gratitude and joy. You are much loved. ✌🏻

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  2. paterevan Avatar


    I know the feeling of loving others so much and never seeming to receive it myself. God gifts us with the ability to love with an immense passion. We certainly can’t help it because God’s love runs through our veins. Eventually as said above, God will bless us with a love we didn’t even know existed. Each relationship, whether it’s a romantic one or a friendship, God prepares us for something greater. Keep your head up, things will get brighter!


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